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Model & quantify indicators

Population per grid cell

Census data is aggregated into areas larger than the grid cells. The binary dasymetric method was used to redistribute the population into individual grid cells. This means that population is only assigned to residential land uses.

Employment per grid cell

The same method was used as for the population calculations. Jobs are assigned to land uses where one may find work. This indicator must be interpretted as the number of jobs in a grid cell. 


Entropy is a measure of the number of land uses and their distribution (Ritsema van Eck & Koomen, 2008). Values range from 0 to 1, where 1 represents perfect land use mix.


Jobs-to-population balance

This is calculated as the ratio between jobs and population or between population and jobs - whichever allows ratio to range between 0 and 1.

Intersection density

The intersection density is calculated as the kernel density in ArcGIS.

Shortest network density

This is a measure of connectivity. The distance from the centre of every grid cell to the nearest transit station is measured along the road network. The Closest Facility function in the Network Analyst toolbox in ArcGIS was used.

Car ownership

Unfortunately, data regarding the number of cars owned per suburb was not available. Instead, the number of households that own cars and the total number of households was known. Hence, this indicator was calculated as the ratio of these two figures.


The crime density is calculated as the number of crimes per annum divided by the area of the suburb in which they occurred. The year used is from April 2011 to March 2012.

Distance to transit for residents

This is calculated as the network distance from grid cells containing residential land uses to the nearest transit station.

Transit node density

This is calculated using the kernel density function in ArcGIS.

Attraction accessibility

This is measured as the network distance from grid cells containing land uses that would attract general daily activity (other than work) to the nearest transit station.

Job accessibility

This is measured as the network distance from grid cells containing 'employment' land uses to the nearest transit station.

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